Hey y'all, this is Jack Nguyen, Founder of ALYFT Apparel. ALYFT (Pronounced: AH-LIFT) is a premium, thought-provoking, Jesus-inspired streetwear clothing collection based in California with a professional design warehouse and operations team. Our story is simple: spread the Gospel of Jesus to the whole world using our story of pain and redemption through art on faith, faith on fabric.
We are called to "UP-LYFT" others and proclaim the glory of Jesus Christ! The "A" in our logo name is an arrow pointing up to God and a reminder to look up to our Savior - Jesus Christ, to endure, and to not let the challenges of life keep us down. We all have our own story, our own "rising from the ashes," the moment where God changed everything. Embrace that story, and help uplift others.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up."
1 Thessalonians 5:11
So why did I create ALYFT?
The passion in creating ALYFT is birthed from being at my lowest point in life, feeling like giving up because of a serious relationship gone very wrong that honestly God didn't want me to be a part of in the first place. I've never felt a pain so real before, such a deep hurt. In that situation, I realized that in the midst of the pain I could either stay in that awful pit or get up and do something about it - to look to God, to not be a victim of my pain, and to encourage those around me in need.
I've always known that God was real, but at this point in my life, God made it crystal clear that He was and is real AND is still working miracles for normal, every day hurting people like myself. God made it clear that I wasn't alone, that I was His and that He was with me the whole time working even when I didn't know it. The truth is - God had to shake me and allowed my world to be rocked to wake me so that I could TRULY start living for Him and by His expectations and commandments. The pain was brutal, but I wouldn't change this period of my life for anything because it is what has shaped me to be the man I am today. Our imperfections, tears, scars and all is what builds our faith and emboldens me to inspire others.
We are called to use our trials as a testimony to help uplift others who may have gone through a similar pain. I joined a small group at my church in Irvine, CA where I was able to connect with and help others going through a similar pain much to my surprise. The very thing I was embarrassed about and trying to hide was the very thing that God wanted to use to help others. This is the spirit of ALYFT. I just want to be clear, the only reason why I'm still standing is because of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Period. We may be pinned down in the battle, but with Jesus we already have victory in the war- how beautiful and uplifting is that? Rise up and be strong my brothers and sisters!
What's the design style of ALYFT?
Premium streetwear X ARTwear! Each piece is thoughtfully named and designed, revealing part of our story, HIS story! Some of our designs are more obvious where others have a deeper meaning that make you stop to think and have an "AH-HA" moment realizing the deeper faith message in the artistry. The aim is to create designs that are not just good for being in the faith category, but designs that can also rival any brand out there as far as fashion and aesthetics. This style of clothing can be worn every day, any time - you can dress it up with with Jordan's on a night out or pair it with some Vans and jeans on the weekend - it's not just a Sunday piece for church. On our design team, we specifically create designs to match with certain fabrics; it's not just one shirt style fits all art designs. Some pieces will only be in Triblend material, while others are in a vintage garment dyed, oversized design. Each piece is unique in it's own way!
We hope you enjoy our passion. Welcome to the ALYFT FAMILY! If you like our designs and message, jump in and support our mission, we appreciate you.
Our family resides in Orange County, California and we have 3 wonderful kids! My wife Jaime and I lead our operations team, production team, and supportive ambassadors worldwide. From our family to yours, God bless!
- Jack T. Nguyen, Founder of ALYFT
Much love & God's blessing be with your family!
- Jack & Jaime Nguyen